man, whenever i come home, i'm sooo tired. yesterday i had a lot of caffeine, took like two naps and still was in bed before midnight. then, in bed, i was worried i wouldn't fall asleep because i had just gotten up from my second nap.
i was going to read in bed but my mom had rearranged stuff and now i don't have a reading lamp next to my bed, which is annoying. so i just lied in the dark and thought of funny stuff. i thought of this crazy story that i planned to put on my blog (schoolpants.blogspot.com) but i didn't have a pen and paper next to my bed either! annoying!
anyway, i thought of all this crazy stuff which i now don't remember and then i was a little afraid to fall asleep because when i'm at home, i tend to get weird nightmares. not really nightmares, it's sleep paralysis. it's when your body is still in R.E.M. mode, which makes you paralyzed, but you kind of wake up and you can see stuff and sometimes you halluicinate. it used to happen to me a lot when i was in my bed at home. i was pretty convinced there was a ghost that was just messing with me. one time there was a girl standing at the foot of my bed and she looked like she was waiting for a train or something. a few weeks ago, my roommate had one of these dreams where michael douglas was gnawing on his hands. they're pretty terrifying dreams. but also kind of awesome. so i was half-worried i would have one last night, and half-excited. turns out i didn't have one. but i did have this crazy dream about getting into a huge argument with my dad. i don't remember what the argument was about.
one time, when my niece was 3, she was telling me about this nightmare she had where all these mosquitoes kept biting her. i thought it was really cool because it sounded like such a vivid dream. but it also made me really sad because kids should only have good dreams.