their names are jonathanothon and nathanathonaniel prodouz. they were born on the same day, of the same womb.
they had a birthday party, on a night - just like tonight - exactly thirteen years ago. it was in their parents' old basement, which would later become my second home throughout the following few years.
anyway, at this party that i was just telling you about, i made out with a girl! it was the first time i had ever done that. and boy was i nervous. we were in the twins' dad's work room. there was a boombox playing whatever was on 96.3 the Edge. i remember that song "i'm a bitch" playing. she and i stood there for around 45 minutes, sparsely speaking to each other. then she asked:
"are you going to kiss me or not?"
i started to apologize and then it happened. her weird warm wet mouth was on mine, slobbering all over my cheek.
i had always thought that mouths somehow interlocked or something. i was shocked and slightly disappointed at how wet and messy the process was.
the girl broke up with me shortly thereafter. i was crushed.
the prodouz's birthday always reminds me of that.
three years after that party (ten years ago today), i saw my first dave matthews band concert. i thought, at the time, that the concert was as important a milestone as my first makeout had been.
now both seem pretty lackluster, as far as milestones go.
i feel like i don't have any real milestones. nothing ever happens that instantly changes anything big. everything in my life has always happened incredibly gradually.

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