Sunday, February 28, 2010
koala back rides

the greatest football player in the world
snow + niece
Thursday, February 25, 2010

reading lamp
it made me really uncomfortable. i didn't know what to say, so i kind of just pretended to not hear him. then he mumbled quietly to himself, something like "gotta get me one of these."
people are weird.
time capsule
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
my grandma

it's sad when your grandma dies. both of mine are gone now. you hear about people's grandparents dying like it's just something that grandparents do. but man, it's sad. if you hear about someone's grandparent dying, be nice to them. no matter how old or sick the grandparent is, it's really sad to lose somebody.
oh, another funny story about my grandma: a few years ago, she had a stroke and had to stay in the hospital for awhile. these nurses would take her for walks and talk to her and stuff. she told one of them that she could speak russian and the nurse totally believed her. my grandma even made up russian words to "teach" the nurse and the nurse totally bought it. hilarious.
Friday, February 19, 2010
ear ache

that's what's rough about being a baby person. we've all been there. but the stupid thing about grownup people is that most of them figured out a way to forget what it was like being a baby.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
observational humor
we've all been there.
black eyes
Monday, February 15, 2010

happy presidents day!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
year of the tiger
Friday, February 12, 2010

every year, nine days after my friend samb's birthday, i draw him a birthday card and tell the story of how we became friends.
i first met samb harkenharken in 1997. i was in a bit of a bad-boy streak during that time in my life. i ran with a street gang called "los gatos locos." we were a not-for-profit gang that worked to find homes for mentally deranged alley cats. most people don't know this, but 1 out of 4 felines suffers from some form of mental illness. and man, we saw them all in '97: epilepsy, schizophrenia, feline dementia, cat scratch fever, poison tail, cats who eat dog food (CWEDF) cats unable to purr (CUP), kitties with inverted laser teats (KWILT), etc etc etc.
anyway, samb came to us in a real huff. he was so upset he could hardly get his words out. he told us, "it's my cat, ya see," and then he went back to huffing and puffing, trying to catch his breath. "go on," i said, "what's the problem with your cat?" samb took a drink of water, spilling most of it down his shirt. he gulped loudly and said "my cat, she's CRAZY! you gotta help me!" i refilled his glass of water and said, "well, that's what we're here for. we take crazy cats and we fix 'em up. now what's the problem?" he panted some more and said, "you're never gonna believe it" samb took a big bite out of a donut that was on my desk. i smacked it out of his mouth. "get on with it! what's the story with your kitty cat, already?"
eventually, he spilled the beans. "my cat, when she's angry, she spits bees out of her mouth. hundreds of 'em. big ones too! yellow jackets!"
naturally, we figured samb was crazy but we had to investigate any case we got. we went to samb's house and sure enough, that damned cat covered us with yellow jackets. we got stung up so bad we had to spend a week in the bee unit at the hospital. samb and i shared a room. we didn't get along at first, but the rec room at the hospital had a ping-pong table. i don't care who you are, no two people can stay enemies after a few friendly games of ping-pong.
anyway, long story short, samb saved my life. and now he has birthdays every year and i do this thing. happy birthday!
Thursday, February 11, 2010

you know what's CRAZY? i'll tell you: volcanoes are real things that exist in our world. volcanoes are big mountains with holes in them. and you know what they do with those holes? they shoot LAVA out of them! which brings me to my next point: lava is a real thing that exists in our world! our planet is so CRAZY!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
i went to a dumb school
Sunday, February 7, 2010
American Football Day

go colts!
hamburger day
over the last few months, i've been eating no cheeseburgers at all. not for health reasons, but because i'm poor. but yesterday, i was out of food. and i just felt like eating cheeseburgers all day. you think you're better than me?
white people be crazy
Friday, February 5, 2010
time to make the donuts

so i looked him up and found out that the actor who played him actually died of diabetes. presumably from all the donuts. how tragic is that? it's bad enough those donuts ruled his life. but they took it from him as well? that's rough.
gotta admit though. donuts are pretty awesome. not a bad way to go. i wish i had some donuts right now. aw crap, i have to go to work.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
got bit by a rattlesnake
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
happy grundog day

happy grundog day everybody!
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