anyway, today, for no apparent reason, instead of biting into a chicken patty, i bit into my lip. how does this happen??? i have been chewing things EVERYDAY since i was a very small child. how do these mishaps still occur? it's preposterous. i was trying to think of something to compare it to, like if instead of breathing, your body suddenly decided to barf. but that's not a very accurate analogy. then i was thinking that it's like if you were trying to urinate but instead your body somehow kicked you in the balls. but that's not a very accurate analogy either. then i figured it out: it's like an ingrown toenail. your body, day in and day out, turns dead cells into toenails and they grow OUT of your toe. but then, for some people, their body is just like, "i'm bored. i'm gonna grow it THIS way." and the nail grows INto your toe. or something like that. i don't really know what an ingrown toenail entails. but i assume, because of the name, that it's something like that?