Sunday, June 5, 2011

baby poms

did you know that baby pomegranates look like tiny outerspace aliens/underwater sea creatures? i didn't until yesterday when we parked next to some when we went some place to eat for lunch.

also, did you know that "pomegranate" is a really tricky word to spell? i didn't until i just tried to spell it several times and finally resorted to asking spell check.


duncess. said...

an anagram of "pomegranate" is "Eat, po' German!"

Po' po' hungry German...

schoolpants said...

another anagram of "pomegranate" is "Gern ate a mop!"

Gern is crazy, y'all!"

duncess. said...

i'm starting to think Gern my BE that po' German..

IDEA: Writing a short story made entirely of anagram variations of the word "Pomegranate."

"Eat, po' German! Gern ate a mop! G, man, operate! - An great poem."