Thursday, September 30, 2010


i don't know if you guys have ever heard of this game snood before. i like to stay on the forefront of underground computer game culture, so i'm always finding new cool games to play.
anyway, my stupid friend patrick was playing snood and i'd never played and he couldn't believe i'd never played and i couldn't believe he couldn't believe i'd never played. anyway, i gave it a shot and i STUNK. he couldn't believe how much i stunk at it because apparently it's a pretty easy game. so i played more and hated it. but i stuck with it and eventually went through all five of the emotional steps to accept a new game into your life, which are:
1. this is stupid.
2. i hate this game.
3. this game cheats.
4. i'm going to kill myself.
5. wait, i think i get it.
6. why do i still stink at this?
7. this is stupid.

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