i was thinking about sitcom catchphrases the other night, just about to fall asleep, and i came to an important conclusion. i had to write it down before i lost it. here it is: the funniest sitcom catchphrase is al borelin's "i don't think so, tim" from
home improvement. catchphrases are inherently funny. not because they, themselves, are funny. interestingly enough, in and of themselves, catchphrases are NEVER funny. what IS funny is that they catch on. "i don't think so, tim" is the perfect example. it's so stupid. but al borelin repeated it. that's all the people want: repetition. people like to know what's going to happen next. so when tim sets al up by saying something like, "this lawnmower needs more power! am i right, al? arf arf arf!," every tom, dick, & harry sitting at home is on pins and needles waiting for al to say his stupid catchphrase. and then guess what happens? he says it. and the people at home eat that shit up. and that, to me, is hilarious.
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