but incidentally, i just found out there was an actual wrestler named Dick the Bruiser.

"what do you get when you cross an elephant with a car with sweatshirt with a lamp with bicycle?" (and then the person says "i dunno. what?") and then you say "the boy likes ice cream!" and you laugh like crazy, like it's the funniest thing you ever heard. and if they say they don't get it, you go, "okay. let me tell another one. what do you get when you cross a pair of pants with a traffic light with a video camera with an old sock with a rhino?" (and they say, i dunno. what?) and you say "the boy likes ice cream!" and you laugh even harder than the first time. and you can just keep doing it forever. just list random things and make the list longer and longer each time.
i thought that was the funniest thing in the world when i was 9 years old. and i still kind of think it is.
no soap radio.
i don't understand what that means.
okay so i just wikibloogia-ed "no soap radio" and i have to say i disagree entirely.
the point of the joke was not to test people and see if they'd conform and laugh when we laughed.
i don't think that when people laughed at our joke, they were laughing because they felt like they should. they were laughing because we were laughing so hard at a completely absurd joke.
the fun was more in making up a list of random yet completely unrelated items than it was in seeing if the recipient of the joke would laugh along with us.
something about the "no soap, radio" joke seems mean-spirited to me. the "boy likes ice cream" joke was not at all mean-spirited. we weren't trying to fuck with people. we were more poking fun at the formula of traditional jokes.
also, us laughing hysterically was the actual punchline. i think that's what i liked about it. we'd say "the boy likes ice cream," which seemed to fit into the blank where punchline usually goes. but the real joke is us pretending it's funny.
it was a joke about jokes. not a joke about people laughing at jokes.
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