did you know that bacon is awesome? remember how in cartoons, when dogs would think of bones or whatever, they would freak out and start acting like heroin addicts? it was all pretty ridiculous. BUT, bacon is the one food item where i understand what those cartoon dogs were going through. just the smell of it excites me. and i'm not alone here. i've talked to a few people who love bacon. i really think it's going to catch on as a food item. a few years from now, people will be putting it on sandwiches, in breakfast dishes, maybe even sprinkling it on salads and you're going to think to yourself, "you know who was way ahead of the game on this whole bacon fad? ... schoolpants. schoolpants was into bacon back when it wasn't so mainstream. back when you could find bacon in small clubs around hollywood and have a beer with it after a show."
yes, we all love bacon. but before enjoying bacon you mustnt forget to check the marbelization of the fat and meat to make sure it comes from the same pig. looks like youre safe, but i dont have to tell you what it would mean should you recognize a stray pattern. play it safe. inspect your meat.
is that for real?
i spent all afternoon inspecting my meat for nothing.
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