tired of dealing with pesky belts, zippers, and buttons, but still have too much dignity to wear sweat pants? me too. may i suggest doctor pants? they are lightweight, cool, and offer ample crotch space. just listen to these customer reviews:
"These doctor pants allow me to FEEL like i'm wearing no pants at all, yet they make my naked lower half virtually invisible to the public, in compliance with California state law." ~Nic M.
"I like to hang out at hospitals. They're cheaper than bars and the nurses are much friendlier to me than most women. The only downside of the hospital environment, in my opinion, was the condescending attitudes of some of the doctors and patients. But with my new doctor pants, I feel like I'm finally getting the respect I deserve. People take my advice now!" ~ N. Michaels
why no dr. top?
because everyone knows that the most comfortable shirt is no shirt at all.
stop trying to make me look stupid in front of my friends, karine.
commercial jingle:
If you ever need a super man,
don't delay, call today!
call 1-800-superman!
that's 1-800-superman!
well, should't you just not wear pants either? i mean, if i follow your logic, no pants is going to be more comfortable than any pants. i'm just saying though, you're the doctor.
he IS the doctor! and how do you know that?
the doctor pants.
case closed.
karine, your question is answered within the original post:
"These doctor pants allow me to FEEL like i'm wearing no pants at all, yet they make my naked lower half virtually invisible to the public, in compliance with California state law."
therefore, if you follow my logic, the DP (doctor pants) are not just as good as no pants, they are even BETTER than no pants.
your friendly neighborhood physician,
Dr. Sodapop
following that sound logic, doctor, then shouldn't the doctor shirt be just as good as the doctor pants, and therefore allow YOUR to FEEL like YOUR wearing no shirt at all?
maybe not, though? but maybe.
there aren't any laws against toplessness, if you have a Y chromosome.
how come i have never seen you topless?
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