so i'm on ebay looking for some 1984 summer olympics memorabilia because: a) i like this logo
b) i like sam the olympic eagle

and c) i'm an idiot.
but i found this pin. it's sam the eagle, holding a shotgun, wearing shooting glasses, ear muffs, and a pouch on his belt that i can only assume holds whiskey and ammunition.

it's probably the coolest pin i've ever seen. but i've bought dumb stuff on ebay before and i've regretted buying some of it. i can't tell if this is a stupid purchase or not. i mean, how does one know these things? how does one KNOW?
Get this one!
there's no such thing as a stupid purchase. Only stupid actors. I think its a fine little piece of americana. And i say that because Im a los angelino born on the 4th of july 1984. So protect that pin, lest you become another one of my victims. another one of my THEFT victims!
he's wearing hunter s thompson glasses. just buy it. or don't. it might make you look like a poser
there's no such thing as a stupid purchase. only stupid nic.
you know, like from before
WHOA. I was AT those olympics (I was 2). And I still have the official sam eagle porcelain cup and saucer. and a giant commemorative sam eagle beach towel that I used at every single swim meet of my youth and is so worn out that it absorbs nothing but it still the most awesome thing on earth.
also. nice blog.
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