Wednesday, December 31, 2008

predictions for a 2009

i firmly believe that 2009 will be the greatest and most exciting year of my life thus far in terms of me. because it's just got to be. it's got to be the greatest and most exciting year of my life thus far in terms of me ... it's got to. it's got to.

and i have here ... in my hand ... as we speak ... scientific evidence - documents - that prove that i am right.

the mayans believed that the earth would end in 2012. and for a lot of people, it will.

likewise: as long as i'm the only person believing that 2009 will be the greatest and most exciting year of my life thus far, and as long as every time people believe that something's gonna happen a certain year at least one of those people gets what they were believing in. THEN, it follows, that, for me: 2009 will be the greatest and most exciting year of my life thus far for me. 2009: the year everything really started to happen

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